How to Hire Skilled Mobile App Development Team for Your Project

How to Hire Skilled Mobile App Development Team for Your Project

The mobile app market is expanding expeditiously, with more and more people using mobile applications to make a purchase online. Ever since the coronavirus outbreak, consumers have started using apps for everything, from shopping online to doing exercises.

Today, almost every customer has a smartphone. Unlike traditional consumers, today’s customers carry your company in their pockets. Hence, having a well-thought-of app can help you grow tremendously.

But the question is how to go ahead with hiring app developers.

Hiring app developers may appear to be a simple task, but trust it’s not that easy.

It’s a multistep process full of catches that can cost you your reputation if the final product doesn’t come as expected.

So, if you’re planning to hire an app developer but not sure where to start from, read this post.

Here in this article, we’re sharing a step-by-step guide to hiring app developers to help you build your ideas.

So, let’s get started…

Table of Contents

Why do you need to hire a mobile app development team?

Yes, this is the most crucial question that should be discussed before we move ahead.

You may not require hiring a mobile app developer if you possess all the necessary skills to develop an app. However, many entrepreneurs lack the necessary programming skills or are unsure of what they require to build the right app. And that’s when they need to hire an app developer who can help them build their dream app.

Another situation when entrepreneurs need to hire dedicated iOS app developers is the size of the project. Of course, if the size of the project is huge, you’ll require additional help. It is sometimes necessary to hire more than one person, which means that even experts must eventually hire a team.

So, the reason could be any, what is crucial is to look for the right person. Hiring someone randomly won’t help you fetch positive outcomes; what is the point then?

So, read ahead to know what exactly you should do to hire the best app developer.

Here we go…

When it comes to IT professionals, you can consider hiring full-time or part-time employees, as well as independent contractors, depending on your requirements. Then, you have a choice whether you want the employee to work from a remote location or from your office.

Moreover, you have a lot of price flexibility depending on where you find them (freelance platforms, outsourcing companies).

Each option is suitable for different scenarios and has its own benefits and drawbacks. So, let’s take a look at different options you can consider while hiring app developers.


1. Internal In-House

Hiring an in-house mobile app developer is one of the most common options that people opt for. However, this option is great if you’re into app development and already have a team of developers. It is good to fill the workforce gaps. All you have to do is conduct a job interview, select the best candidate for the job, and have them on the team. And whereas in the past recruitment was typically limited to the local area, global employment has become more popular thanks to the rise of remote work.

But know that this is one of the costliest options as you’ll have to pay regular salaries, incentives, and perks. So, if yours is a one-time project, hiring an in-house developer is not that feasible.

So, what’s the other option?

2. Hiring a Freelancer

Recruiting a freelance mobile app developer is another option that you can consider. This method has gained immense popularity for the past few years. Thanks to the online portals and platforms where you can search for freelancers easily. Because of the rise of freelance websites, any business owner can now hire a specialist online.

The coolest thing about this option is that you’ll not have to pay for vacation days, social security, or other benefits. It is because of the contractual nature of the agreement, which is a significant benefit of this option.

However, this option has a significant drawback. Most of the freelance app developers are simply under-qualified for large jobs. So, if yours is a large project with complex requirements, hiring a freelance app developer is not the right choice. As a result, only entrepreneurs with petty projects should consider going this route.

3. Outsource App Developers

Outsourcing app developers allows you to have dual benefits. Outsourcing is always on a contract basis. So, you hire people only for as long as your project will take to complete.

The best thing is that it is less expensive than hiring an in-house team, and the outcome is usually better than hiring a freelancer.

Aside from that, hiring an outsourcing company is entirely scalable, which means you can scale up or down the team size to meet the project’s exact needs, ultimately saving resources.

Summing up, outsourcing the app developer team is the most effective solution for business owners who want to expand their businesses and capture the desired market.


Now the next most significant question that comes to mind is where to look for mobile app developers.

Well, the answer to this is easy. Yes, it’s all because of the era we are in – you can rely on the internet to find the right candidate. In fact, over 30% of businesses rely on professional platforms. However, there are many other ways to find app developers, and we’ll go over each hiring option one by one to help you make an informed decision.

1. Request Recommendations

This age-old method is still workable and one of the best hiring options. The best thing is that the chances for reliable candidates are very high. You can always ask for recommendations in your network, professional groups, etc. Someone in your professional network may be able to recommend a trustworthy individual.

But be sure you have the right network and a long list of professional contacts. It is essential because known people can help you with the best tech talent. You cannot simply rely on unknowns.

2. Online Platforms

If referrals don’t work for you, then there are several online platforms, such as Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn, Upwork, Toptal, Fiverr, IT Firms, 99Firms, and so on.

This is the simplest route you can take. There are a plethora of technology platforms where you can find both IT companies and freelancers from around the world. You are more likely to find low-cost mobile app developers if you use these portals.

Related: Dedicated Developers – A Boon or a Curse to your Business?

3. Tech Events

Lastly, you can look for mobile app developers at specialized tech events. Each year thousands of developers and industry experts participate in tech events to share their knowledge and experience, as well as to form new partnerships. These events offer you an excellent opportunity to meet mobile app developers in person and discuss future collaboration.

Aside from that, these events provide you with an opportunity to network with industry leaders and make valuable industry contacts.

Which event to participate in totally depends on your requirements, as many annual technology events occur worldwide! Once you know where to look for the right candidate, the next step is to follow the procedure. So, here is the procedure.


Most people believe Hiring an app developer is an easy task. No, not at all, especially when you don’t know where to begin. Research indicates that three out of every four employers lose money as a result of hiring the wrong person for the job. We don’t want you to be doing the same thing. No, not at all!

Before we move to the DOs, we want you to understand the DON’Ts


  • Don’t just hire somebody because they have a perfect resume. Remember that a resume only is not sufficient for the job.
  • Don’t just hire somebody because the one who referred the candidate is your close friend! Understand that if your app does not come out to be perfect, you’ll start losing your customers. Be pragmatic while making your decision.
  • Don’t put your trust in app developers who are still in college. Of course, they are just learning the skill sets. There is no doubt that they will be an inexpensive option; however, the end result will also be poor for sure. So, think practically about what you want to achieve – save money or get the best app? Once you know the answer, you’ll understand why hiring an experienced app developer is important.
  • Don’t just hire somebody without going through the entire procedure. Yes, there is a procedure that you must follow in order to select the right candidate. Ignoring the procedure may lead to the wrong decision, thereby causing you to lose both time and money.

Let’s now take a look at the process that every entrepreneur searching for an app developer should follow.
Here we go…


1. Go Through Their Portfolio

Before hiring an app developer, it is crucial to look over their previous work experience and portfolio. See how they performed on their previous projects. Looking through their previous work will let you know about their knowledge and understanding of the field.

2. Look over the Testimonials

Looking over the potential candidates’ profiles and testimonials is crucial. Look what their past clients have to say about them. Genuine feedback and testimonials can help you learn a lot about the potential candidate.

3. Go over the Development Strategy

Finding a good app developer for your project requires matching your development methodologies. Communicate your development methodologies to the potential app developer. This will help streamline the process and lead to better results.

4. Learn about the technologies they employ

Of course, you’ll want to check to see if the app developer you’re considering hiring is qualified for your project. It’s a good idea to learn about the technologies they use for this.

Discuss your app in-depth with the potential candidate. Inquire about their knowledge of programming languages. What role can that programming language play in the development of your app?

The answers to these questions will determine whether or not you should select the particular app developer.

5. Conduct Interview With The Team

Relying on a single person is never a good idea. Of course, you’ll have to speak to the lead person, but interviewing other team members is a crucial step. So, never hesitate to conduct team member interviews. Doing so will allow you to get a complete understanding of the team you’re planning to outsource. Also, keep an eye out for potential downsides or vices that could lead to unexpected retorts later on.

6. Have A Clear Communication

When you outsource an app developer team, you need to sign a contract. Ensure that communication with the potential app development team is open and honest before you sign the dotted lines.

It is essential to know each aspect of their work before you sign the contract. More often than not, these outsourced app development teams work from remote locations. So the only way of communication with them is via email and teleconferencing. And if the outsourced team lives in a different time zone, it may be difficult for you to communicate with them in a timely manner.

So, before you sign the dotted lines, talk about it with the team. Make sure that time zone differences and other details won’t hamper communication. The simplest way to overcome this problem is to speak with the team and agree on times when they can be available for an update.

7. Transparency Is A Must

Do not hire an agency that is not transparent or is hiding things from you. There is no point in hiring somebody who is not genuine in the initial stage. Hiring such candidates can cause you more loss than any gain.

So, hire an agency that is open, honest, and transparent about its capabilities and limitations, as well as its payment terms. Working with an honest team will lead to good results and long-term partnerships.

The Bottom Line

So, these are the steps you can follow while hiring an app development team. We hope this article has been informative for you and will help you select the right candidate for your app development project.

Remember that the right mobile application can help you grow exponentially. It is because most of your customers use the mobile app when they purchase what you sell. Having the right people on your team can make or break your success. As a result, it is critical to hire efficient and knowledgeable app developers who can help you develop your dream app.

Choosing the right mobile app developer can make a massive impact on your project, so choose wisely!

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WeeTech Solution