Overview Of Adding An Affiliate Marketing Blog Revenue Source

Overview Of Adding An Affiliate Marketing Blog Revenue Source

Affiliate marketing is the way to go these days with marketing and sales at the forefront of it all. However, with affiliate marketing comes its very own challenges. Even when hosting an affiliate marketing blog, it can be hard to send traffic your way.

The secret? Optimizing your marketing efforts. In this way, you’ll get enough affiliate sales. But first, you’ll need a revenue source. Having a revenue source can help you make passive income as you run your blog.

In this overview, we’ll discuss why it’s important to have a revenue source for your affiliate marketing blog, and how you can accomplish just that.

Why Adding A Revenue Source Is Important

First and foremost, your affiliate marketing blog is part of your business. It shows people your marketing prowess and brand.

While paid traffic can help get you the clicks and views that your website needs, that method can still be taxing, even when you’re trying to make money off your blog. Plus, paid traffic might land you in trouble with search engines, since the algorithms are always changing to weed out spammy websites and botting.

So, when having a revenue source, you’ll need to consider more organic measures for your affiliate marketing blog. You’ll need a revenue source that won’t cost you a lot of marketing money, and won’t harm your reputation in search engines.

Helpful Tips

Now that you know the importance of a revenue source for your affiliate marketing blog, it’s time to look some of the organic ways to help you reach your marketing goals. Here are 6 helpful tips to keep in mind:

1. Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (or KPIs) are valuable metrics for your affiliate marketing blog, especially when evaluating the best affiliate programs. These metrics tell you how well your website is performing in relation to these programs. If something isn’t performing as well as expected, then it’s time to optimize your blog, potentially by integrating or focusing more on the best affiliate programs that align with your audience’s interests and your content strategy.

Here are a few metrics to track on a regular basis:

  • Your conversion rate tells you how many conversions there are in comparison to the number of clicks your site is receiving. This can be measured by how many times users interact with something or complete an action. For example, how many users have downloaded your eBook? Or, how many people have signed up to your newsletter?
  • The click-through rate (CTR) is the number of clicks in comparison to the number of views. This refers to your links, calls-to-action, etc.
  • The revenue by traffic source is your blog’s total income. This income is generated by different sources, depending on your platform, and anything associated with it (i.e., social media).

KPIs like these can help you keep analytics in mind, as you run your blog.

2. Repurpose Existing Content

Just because you already made content in your blog doesn’t mean that they can’t give them new life. In fact, repurposing your existing content can actually revive your blog.

Doing this will help you do the following:

  • Make your content more relevant.
  • Introduce your content to more viewers. AND,
  • Prevent outdated information from spoiling your blog’s reputation.

3. Link Content To Optimized Landing Pages

Optimization is key to the health of your blog. That’s why it’s important to optimize your landing pages.

Once your landing pages are optimized, you can then link your content to them. In this way, you’ll be driving traffic to the right pages of your blog.

4. Improve SEO

It’s all about search engine optimization (SEO) these days. SEO refers to getting your content to appear at the top of the search results in search engine. This is especially critical for when you rank on search engines like Google, which takes site legitimacy very seriously. Without good SEO, your site will not make it past the second page of search results.

To improve your SEO:

  • Add relevant keywords to your site’s content, metadata, etc.
  • Add alt-text to visuals and images.
  • Have relevant URLs and links in your content. But don’t overstuff your content with URLs and links, or else your site will get penalized for being spammy.

Remember: You want your site to be on the first page of search results, so that people are more likely to click on it.

Related: Advanced SEO Tips That’ll Triple Your Search Traffic

5. Add Effective CTAs

A call-to-action (CTA) is another important thing to have on your affiliate marketing blog. A CTA tells users what they should do, or how to interact with your site before. It can be any of the following:

  • Subscribing to a YouTube channel
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Signing up for an account with your site
  • Following your brand on social media, etc.

As you create your CTAs, you’ll need to make them enticing. Buttons, images, and hyperlinked text are great ways to create your CTAs, and to make them more noticeable for users.

6. A/B Test

Finally, let’s not forget: A/B testing!

A/B testing ensures that your content as a whole is working well. In other words, are the links working? Are people seeing your CTAs? Is your content engaging? Are your ads being noticed at all? These are some of the things to think about when A/B testing your site.

To run your own A/B test, here what you’ll need to do:

  • First, choose which element from your blog that you want to evaluate. It could be a headline copy, any visuals, layouts, or something else.
  • Determine which of your KPI(s) will measure the success of the A/B test.
  • Choose a sample size of your testing. In other words, how many tests do you want to conduct to find that winning formula?
  • Have two versions of your test. One test with delve into one element, while the second one looks at another element.
  • Run you’re A/B test.
  • Afterwards, look at the results. Do you see any external factors that might’ve affected the A/B test? Remember: You’re evaluating your results based on your pre-determined KPIs.


As you can see, organic traffic can help get you the traffic that you need for your affiliate marketing blog. And, with affiliate marketing becoming more and more lucrative as time goes on, it’s important to make your blog Internet-worthy.

By taking this overview into consideration, not only will it help your revenue source, but it’ll also make your blog thrive.

Good luck!

Bio: Madeline Miller is a writer at Cheap Essay writing service. She is also a freelance writer for various online publications and sites. As a content writer, she writes articles about marketing and business-tech trends.