A Guide To Creating A Strong Software Engineer Resume

A Guide To Creating A Strong Software Engineer Resume

The demand for software engineers has been steadily increasing these past few years and it has no intention of slowing down. The U.S. Bureau of Labor estimates about 189,200 job openings for software developers each year. By 2030, this number is projected to grow by 22%.

Despite of this growing demand, software engineers still need to create a great resume that showcases their strengths and expertise. As a software engineer, your resume determines the first impression you make on tech companies. To land an interview for a dream job at your tech company of choice, your resume must stand out from the rest of the competition.

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for writing a great software engineer resume, but there are some key elements that every strong resume should include. Consider using a professional resume writing service if you’re not sure where to start or what to include. Experts know how to show off your skills and accomplishments in the best way possible.

Basic Format Tips

In terms of format, keep your resume under one page. The recruiter probably receives more resumes a day than they have time to read. Condensing your accomplishments to a concise single page shows that you value the tech recruiter’s time.

Optimize your use of sections. Place the most important parts of your resume at the top. Most recruiters prefer a reverse chronological format. This allows them to quickly determine if you’re the right fit for the job based on your experience.

Prioritize readability in your format. Each section should be clearly titled in a highly legible font. For a more traditional and safe resume, stick to fonts like Times New Roman and Arial. If you want to stand out a bit more, try fonts like Muna or Georgia. The resume should appear cohesive and consistent in style. This means using the same font throughout and limiting the different sizes in font to three.

Save your resume in a PDF format. This is the preferred format of many recruiters and it ensures your resume renders the way you intended it to.

What To Include In Your Software Engineer Resume

Since your resume needs to be concise, every word must be intentional and precise. Here are a few things to include in your resume.

► Include as many keywords as possible. Since most resumes are scanned by an

for relevant keywords to determine your aptness for the job, it’s essential to include keywords used specifically in the posting you’re applying for. Software engineers should tailor their resume to each position in order to maximize their chances of being selected for an interview. If this is too much effort, include as many industry keywords in your resume as possible to pass the scan. Some of these keywords are HTML, user interface, JavaScript, and search engine optimization.

► Highlight the technologies you have expertise in using. Your technical skills section is one of the most important factors used by recruiters to gage if you can excel in the position. Clearly state the specific programs, systems, languages, methodologies, and platforms you have previously worked with and your level of expertise in each of them. Some examples of relevant technology skills could be Microsoft, JavaScript, and Linux Operating System. However, stating your relevant technology skills isn’t enough. You must provide evidence of how you used them in the work experience section.

► Specify your accomplishments. Describe your relevant experience in a specific and concise manner. Remember to include any quantifiable measures of success. You could include your success in generating back-end programming using LAMP stack or design and implementation of PHP web applications. Regardless of the accomplishment, make sure to back it up with some quantifiable measure and how you achieved it. A helpful tip could be to ask yourself, “What did I accomplish, how was it measured, and what actions did I take to accomplish it”

► If you have no prior work experience as a software engineer, include personal projects in place of industry experience. This conveys your high level of interest and passion for programming to recruiters. Moreover, it exhibits to recruiters that you possess important skills such as initiative and self-discipline. If you have website dedicated to your personal projects, include that in your resume.

► Focus on your education. This is especially important if you lack the same experience in the field as other applicants. Even if you don’t possess any experience, your education and technical skills can still be enough to land you that job.

► Include a summary or resume objective. Many tech recruiters appreciate this section because it summarizes everything they need to know about the applicant conveniently in one section. Your summary or resume objective should focus on the number of years of experience you have as a software engineer. It should also highlight your most impressive skills and expertise. If you really want to land that interview, fine-tune this section of your resume to match the job requirements provided in the posting.

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Other Tips:

⇒ Research the company you’re applying for before you send out your resume. Most applicants save this step for right before the interview, but researching the company will equip you with more information to help your resume stand out. Furthermore, this will save both you and the recruiter valuable time if their values and goals don’t align with yours

⇒ While you should quantify your achievements, avoid doing the same for your skill level. It’s important to be honest with your familiarity with technologies, but resist the urge to call yourself an expert.

⇒ Include any personal websites or relevant social media accounts in your resume. If you have a website for all of your personal programming projects, don’t forget to include this in your resume as it can help you stand out against your competition. Otherwise, most software engineers include their LinkedIn.


As a software engineer, your resume should convey a narrative of your skills and expertise. It should inform tech recruiters of who you are as a professional and what you would be like as an employee. Following the tips on this guide should help you land that dream interview. If not, the good news is there is more demand for software engineers than ever before. If you don’t land your dream job at a top-tier tech company, there are plenty of other opportunities waiting for you.

Bio: Emily Henry is a career advisor and writer at Law Essay Help. She often writes about resume and cover letter guides, interview tips, and more.

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