20 Best Product Information Management (PIM) Software in 2024

PIM Software


In the fast-paced world of contemporary commerce, where digital transformation effectively manages product information, it may make or ruin a company. As we approach 2024, the need for dedicated Product Information Management (PIM) software is greater than it has ever been. This thorough guide examines the best 20 PIM software options, which are set to revolutionize data management tactics and improve client experiences.

These clever solutions are essential for success in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive since they ensure data quality and compliance while also helping smooth omnichannel operations. Come along with us as we explore the PIM software market to find the solutions that will influence companies in 2024 and beyond.

What is PIM?

Product Information Management (PIM) contains the centralized acquisition, administration, enhancement, and dissemination of product data through multiple channels. It functions as a resilient structure that enables enterprises to organize and optimize their product data, guaranteeing uniformity, precision, and pertinence throughout every point of contact.

PIM solutions facilitate the effective management of extensive quantities of product data, encompassing specifications, pricing, descriptions, images, and images, all while ensuring data integrity and adherence to regulations. Product Information Management (PIM) enables organizations to deliver consistent and compelling product experiences to consumers, thereby stimulating sales and cultivating brand loyalty in the fiercely competitive contemporary market environment.

Here is the list of PIM Software

1. Akeneo

Akeneo - PIM Software

In order to maintain accuracy and consistency across all channels, Akeneo provides a complete solution for managing product information. With its powerful features and unified platform, organizations can effectively manage product data, enrich content, and expedite publishing processes to improve customer satisfaction.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: With Akeneo’s unified platform, companies can arrange, store, and handle all of their product data in one location. By doing this, silos are removed, and data consistency is guaranteed.
  • Data Enrichment Tools: Akeneo provides a number of features and tools for enhancing product data, such as the ability to add qualities, photographs, videos, and other pertinent information. Businesses may use this to develop product lists that are more engaging and thorough.
  • Multi-Channel Publishing Features: With Akeneo, companies can effortlessly post product details on a variety of platforms, such as print catalogs, e-commerce websites, and marketplaces. This guarantees that all touchpoints provide product data in an accurate and uniform manner.
  • Flexible and Scalable Solution: Akeneo is designed to be both flexible and scalable, which makes it appropriate for companies of various sizes and sectors. Whether you’re in charge of hundreds of SKUs or a tiny catalog, Akeneo can grow with your company and meet your demands.
  • Updates & Community Support: Akeneo has a thriving user and developer community that helps with continuous development and maintenance. This implies that consumers will gain from frequent upgrades, fresh functionality, and user-generated help materials.

Price Range between 4,200 EUR/USD and 22,400 EUR/USD.

2. inRiver PIM

inRiver PIM - PIM Software

With its strong centralization and management of product information, inRiver PIM system is a reliable solution that guarantees correctness and consistency across several channels. For a flawless client experience, data management procedures are streamlined by its unified platform and strong features.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: To ensure data consistency and remove silos, inRiver PIM offers enterprises a single platform to store, organize, and manage all product information.
  • Data Enrichment Tools: To generate comprehensive and captivating product listings, businesses can add attributes, photos, videos, and other pertinent material to product data utilizing a range of tools and features in inRiver PIM.
  • Multi-Channel Publishing Capabilities: Companies can publish product information on e-commerce websites, marketplaces, print catalogs, and other channels by using inRiver PIM. This guarantees that all touchpoints present product data consistently and up to date.
  • Dynamic Data Modeling: Businesses may effectively manage complicated product information by utilizing the dynamic data modeling features provided by inRiver PIM.
  • Workflow Management: To facilitate collaborative content creation, the platform has workflow management capabilities that make sure the appropriate parties are involved and that necessary permissions are secured.
  • Integration with E-commerce systems: Businesses may synchronize product data with their online stores and marketplaces by using inRiver PIM’s easy integration with a variety of e-commerce systems.
  • Scalable Solution: InRiver PIM’s flexible and scalable design allows it to work with companies of all sizes and in a variety of industries, expanding with them as their needs change over time.
  • Updates and Community Support: InRiver PIM is enhanced by a vibrant user and developer community that offers frequent updates, new features, and user-driven support resources.

Price: Visit Website

3. Pimcore

Pimcore - PIM Software

Known for its versatility and vast capabilities in handling product information and digital assets, Pimcore PIM system is an all-in-one digital experience platform. Product data is arranged, enhanced, and dispersed across a variety of channels using it as a central repository.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Product data may be centrally managed by enterprises using Pimcore, which eliminates data silos and ensures consistency by providing a single platform for managing all product information.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): Pimcore provides organizations with strong digital asset management (DAM) features in addition to PIM capabilities. These features help firms effectively manage documents, videos, photos, and other digital assets.
  • Real-time Data Synchronization: Pimcore enables real-time data synchronization across various systems and channels, guaranteeing that the information is always accurate and consistent.
  • Flexible Data Modeling: Pimcore enables companies to easily handle a wide range of product features and intricate data structures by enabling the creation of bespoke data models that are suited to their unique requirements.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrating Pimcore with other third-party systems is easy. It can easily automate workflows and facilitate data interchange with e-commerce platforms, ERP systems, and CRMs, among other systems.
  • Open-Source Customization: Pimcore is an open-source platform that offers customers a great deal of customization freedom to tailor the system to their own needs.
  • Multi-channel Publishing: Print catalogs, social media platforms, smartphone applications, websites, and print catalogs are just a few of the venues Pimcore helps firms disseminate product information throughout.
  • Automating Workflows: The platform provides functionality for managing workflows to expedite the generation of content, approval procedures, and team member communication.
  • Personalization and Marketing Automation: Pimcore offers solutions for tailoring marketing communications and product content according to the behavior and preferences of customers, as well as for marketing automation. These features improve the entire customer experience.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Pimcore has integrated reporting and analytics tools.

Price Starts at $699 per month

4. Salsify

Salsify - PIM Software

Salsify is a cloud-based tool for managing the complete product experience. It helps brands and stores create amazing experiences for their products at all digital locations. The PIM tools help companies organize, control, and share product information easily.


  • Cloud-Based PIM and Product Experience Management: Salsify offers a cloud-based system for controlling product material and improving user experiences across multiple channels.
  • Syndication to Sales Channels: When a business syndicates product information to different sales platforms, like e-commerce websites, markets, and digital stores, it makes sure that the data is uniform and correct across all interactions.
  • Syndication to Sales Channels: Salsify has powerful DAM features for handling digital assets like photos, movies, and papers, making it easier to organize and share assets.
  • Workflow Automation: The platform can automate workflows to make the process of creating, editing, and approving material faster and easier. This promotes teamwork and efficiency.
  • Digital Shelf Analytics: Salsify offers digital shelf analytics tools that help businesses keep an eye on product performance, competition data, and trends across all online channels. This informs choices and improves the content of products.
  • Content Syndication and Publishing: Salsify lets businesses broadcast product details and digital assets to numerous online markets and channels, making sure that all of the content about their products is uniform and up to date.
  • Data Quality Management: The platform has tools for data quality management that ensure that all channels’ product data is correct and full by cleaning, organizing, and adding to it.
  • Integration with E-Commerce Platforms: Salsify works well with major e-commerce systems and platforms, meaning that businesses can easily update their online shops and markets with the latest product information and content.
  • Collaborative Content Creation: Salsify makes it easy for internal teams and external partners to work together to create, improve, and localize content. This way, everyone who has an interest in the product knowledge is involved in the content process.
  • Customer Support and Training: Salsify offers dedicated customer support and training tools to help businesses get the most out of the platform and solve any technical or practical problems they may face.

Price Starts At $35000 Per Year

5. Plytix

Plytix - PIM Software

Plytix is a Product Information Management (PIM) tools for small to medium-sized businesses that is easy to use. Businesses can improve their online visibility and simplify their operations with its many features that help them organize, expand, and share product data across multiple platforms.


  • Simple PIM Solution: Plytix has a simple layout that lets businesses handle product information without needing to know a lot about technology.
  • Enhancing Product Data: The platform has tools and features for improving product data, such as the ability to add traits, pictures, titles, and other useful data to make product ads more appealing.
  • Management of Dynamic Prices: Plytix has tools for managing dynamic pricing schemes, which let companies change prices to stay competitive based on changes in the market, demand, and other factors.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Plytix has built-in reporting and analytics tools to keep an eye on product success, sales trends, and other important measures. This lets businesses make choices based on data and improve their product lines.
  • Multi-Channel Publishing: Businesses can post information about their products on many different channels, such as e-commerce websites, markets, social media sites, and paper brochures. This way, the information about the products is always correct and uniform across all touchpoints.
  • Adjustable Workflows: Plytix offers flexible workflows for the creation, enhancement, and review of content. This lets businesses make their workflows fit their exact needs.
  • Integration with Leading E-Commerce Platforms: The platform works well with popular e-commerce platforms and systems, so companies can easily share product information between their online shops and markets.
  • Importing and exporting data: Plytix lets you import and export data in a number of different forms, which makes it easy for companies to move their current product data and work with partners and sellers outside of the company.
  • Scalable Solution: Plytix is made to be flexible so that businesses can start small and add more features as they need them. This means that it can be used by both small businesses and large companies.
  • Customer Support and Training: Plytix has training and support tools for customers to help businesses get started with the platform and solve any technical or operating problems they may face.

Pricing plans from $0 to $250,000 per year

6. TreoPIM

TreoPIM - PIM Software

TreoPIM is a flexible and easy-to-use PIM tools that helps businesses organize and develop their product data more effectively. Numerous features make it easier to handle data and raise the level of accuracy and completeness of product data.


  • User-Friendly design: TreoPIM has an easy-to-understand design that lets businesses handle product info without needing skilled technology knowledge.
  • Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Support: The platform supports many languages and currencies, which helps businesses update product information for global markets and connect with customers around the world.
  • Integration with E-Commerce Platforms: TreoPIM works well with popular e-commerce platforms and systems, so companies can easily update product information across their online shops and markets.
  • Advanced Product Data Modeling: TreoPIM has advanced data modeling features that let businesses make data models and characteristics that are exactly what they need.
  • Workflow Automation: The platform has features for streaming content creation, enhancement, and review processes. This makes the whole process more efficient and helps team members work together better.
  • Dynamic Pricing Management: TreoPIM has tools for handling dynamic pricing strategies, which let companies change prices to stay competitive based on elements like demand, market conditions, and other factors.
  • Customizable Dashboards and Reports: Monitor product success, sales trends, and other key data with personalized graphs and reports from TreoPIM. This helps businesses make smart choices and improve their product offers.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): The platform has powerful DAM features for organizing and sharing digital assets like photos, movies, and papers.
  • Scalable Solution: As a business grows, it can start using TreoPIM less and then add more features as needed. This makes it a good choice for both growing businesses and large companies.
  • Customer Support and Training: TreoPIM has training and customer support tools to help businesses get started with the platform and solve any technical or practical problems they may face.

Price Start From $600

7. Jasper PIM

Jasper PIM - PIM Software

Product Information Management (PIM) software examples like Jasper PIM paid and software free plan are strong and can help businesses organize and improve their product data management. It has many features that make working with data easier, make using products better, and boost sales through many platforms.


  • Product Information Management in One Place: Jasper PIM gives businesses a single location to store, organize, and handle all product information. This keeps data consistent and gets rid of data gaps.
  • Rich Media Support: The platform can handle rich media like photos, videos, and papers, which lets businesses give customers more interesting and interactive product experiences.
  • Connectivity to E-commerce Platforms: Jasper PIM works well with popular e-commerce platforms and systems, so companies can easily share product information across their online shops and markets.
  • Powerful Search and Filtering Tools: Jasper PIM has powerful search and filtering tools that make it easy for users to quickly and easily find and access product information.
  • Workflow management: The platform has features for managing the creation, improvement, and review of content. This makes sure that the right people are involved and that content is released correctly and on time.
  • Multiple Channel Publishing: Jasper PIM lets companies share product details on many channels, like social media sites, paper catalogs, e-commerce websites, and markets. This makes sure that all interactions have the same correct product information.
  • Customizable Data Models: Jasper PIM lets companies create data models and characteristics unique to their needs. This gives them freedom and growth as their business grows.
  • Real-Time Data Synchronization: The platform makes it possible to sync product data in real-time across multiple systems and channels, making sure that all information is correct and up to date.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Jasper PIM has built-in reporting and analytics tools for keeping an eye on product success, sales trends, and other important measures. This lets businesses make choices based on data and improve their product offers.
  • Scalable Solution: Jasper PIM is made to be flexible so that businesses can start small and add more features as they need them. This means that it can be used by both small businesses and large companies.
  • Support and Training for Customers: Jasper PIM has training and support tools for customers to help businesses get started with the platform and solve any technical or practical problems they may face.

Price Starts at $999 Per Month

Also Read: How to Choose the Right Product Marketing Company for Your Business

8. Agility Multichannel

Agility Multichannel - PIM Software

Product Information Management (PIM) and online shopping tool Agility is created to help companies organize and improve their product data management. It has many tools to make data management easier, improve product interactions, and boost sales through many platforms.


  • Comprehensive PIM and Multichannel Commerce Platform: Agility Multichannel gives businesses a complete way to handle product information and plan their multichannel commerce strategies from a single screen.
  • Data Governance and Workflow Automation: The platform enables strong data governance and workflow automation for the content production, improvement, and review processes. This makes sure that data is correct, consistent, and in line with regulations.
  • Publishing to Many Sales Channels: Agility Multichannel lets companies share product details on many sales channels, like social media sites, paper catalogs, e-commerce websites, and markets. This makes sure that all connections have the same, accurate product information.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): The platform has advanced DAM features for organizing digital assets like photos, movies, and papers, making it easier to organize, share, and reuse assets.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Agility Multichannel has built-in reporting and analytics tools for keeping an eye on things like product performance, sales trends, customer behavior, and other important measures. This lets businesses make choices based on data and improve their products.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: The platform works well with popular business software like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies keep all of their product data and processes in sync.
  • Customization and Marketing Automation: Agility Multichannel has tools for customizing marketing messages and product content based on customer behavior, tastes, and segments. This improves the overall customer experience and increases engagement and sales.
  • Dynamic Publishing and Localization: The platform lets you publish and translate content dynamically so that it fits different languages, markets, and regions. This makes sure that all viewers around the world can find it relevant and consistent.
  • Scalable and flexible solution: Agility Multichannel is made to be scalable and flexible so that businesses can change and grow their multichannel shopping and product data management strategies as their needs change.
  • Support and Training for Customers: Agility Multichannel offers tailored training and support for customers to help businesses get the most out of the platform and solve any technical or practical issues they may face.

Price: Visit Website

9. Stibo Systems

Stibo Systems - PIM Software

For strong Product Information Management (PIM) skills, Stibo Systems provides master data management (MDM) options. Businesses can control and organize their product data, making sure that it is consistent, correct, and legal across all outlets and systems.


  • Masters Data Management (MDM): Stibo Systems offers complete MDM systems that help companies control and handle all kinds of master data, such as data about products, customers, vendors, and locations.
  • Product Information Management (PIM): The platform has advanced Product Information Management (PIM) features that make sure that product data is consistent and correct by centralizing, expanding, and syndicating product information across multiple channels.
  • Data Quality Management: Stibo Systems has powerful data quality management tools that ensure accurate, full, and legal product data by cleaning, organizing, and improving it.
  • Workflow Automation: The platform can automate workflows to make the processes of creating, editing, and approving material faster and easier. This raises efficiency and encourages stakeholders to work together.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Stibo Systems works well with popular business software like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies keep synchronized info about their products and processes throughout their whole system.
  • Dynamic Data Synchronization: The platform lets product data from various systems and sources be synchronized in real-time, making sure that all information is correct and up to date at all times.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): Stibo Systems has advanced DAM features for handling digital assets like photos, movies, and papers, making it easier to organize, share, and reuse assets.
  • Support for Multi-Domain Data Management: The tool lets businesses handle product data along with other types of master data in a single, unified area.
  • Customizable Data Models: Stibo Systems lets businesses make custom data models and characteristics that fit their needs and standards. This gives them freedom and growth as their business grows.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Stibo Systems is produced in a way that makes it possible for businesses to change and improve their data management methods as their requirements change.
  • Customer Support and Training: Stibo Systems offers specialized customer support and training tools to help businesses get the most out of the platform and solve any technical or practical problems they may face.

Pricing Starts at $19200

10. Sales Layer

Sales Layer - PIM Software

Product Information Management (PIM) software called Sales Layer is based in the cloud and is made to help businesses handle their product data more efficiently and properly. It has many functions that make working with data easier, giving customers better experiences with products, and increasing sales through different platforms.


  • Cloud-Based PIM Solution: Managing product information in the cloud is possible with Sales Layer. Businesses can view and change their data from anywhere with an internet link.
  • Synchronization of Data Automatically: The platform can sync data automatically, which makes sure that information about products is always correct across all systems and channels.
  • Flexible and scalable: Sales Layer lets businesses make custom data models and traits that fit their needs and standards. This gives them freedom as their business grows.
  • Dynamic Data Enrichment: Platform has tools for automatically adding important characteristics, pictures, videos, and other material to product data.
  • E-Commerce Platform Integration: Sales Layer works well with major e-commerce systems and platforms, so companies can easily share product information between their online shops and markets.
  • Multi-Language and Multi-Currency Support: The app supports many languages and currencies, which helps companies handle their product info for global markets and get in touch with users all over the world.
  • Workflow automation: Sales Layer’s workflow automation features make sure that the right people are involved in the content production, improvement, and review processes. This makes sure that content is released correctly and on time
  • Real-Time Collaboration: The platform lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time to create, improve, and localize content. This way, everyone involved in the product content process is included.
  • Scalable Solution: As a business grows, it can use the Sales Layer less and add more features as needed. This makes it a good choice for both growing businesses and large companies.
  • Customer Support and Training:Customers can get help and training from Sales Layer to get started with the tool and solve any technical or operating problems they may face.

Price Starts at $1000 Per Month

11. Contentserv

Contentserv - PIM Software

The Contentserv software handles all aspects of Product Information Management (PIM) and Digital Asset Management (DAM). It lets companies organize, improve, and share product data and digital assets across all media. It comes with a full set of features that can be used to improve product experiences, speed up data processes, and boost sales.


  • End-to-End PIM and DAM Solution: Contentserv offers a single location to handle product details and digital files, which helps companies speed up the processes of creating, improving, and sending content.
  • Data Centralization and Governance: The platform lets companies store, organize, and control all digital assets and information about their products in a single, central location.
  • Dynamic Data Modeling: Contentserv has features for dynamic data modeling that let businesses make custom data models and characteristics that fit their specific needs. This gives businesses freedom and growth as their businesses grow.
  • Workflow Automation: Contentserv can automate the processes of creating, enriching, and approving content. This makes sure that the right people are involved and that content is released correctly and on time.
  • Multiple Channel Publishing: The platform lets companies share product details and digital assets on many channels, like paper catalogs, social media sites, e-commerce websites, and markets, making sure that all connections have the same correct information.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Contentserv works well with popular business software like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies keep all of their product data and processes in sync.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): Contentserv has advanced DAM features for handling digital assets like photos, movies, and papers, making it easier to organize, share, and reuse assets.
  • Collaboration in Real Time: The platform lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time to create, improve, and localize content. This makes sure that everyone is involved in the product content process.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Contentserv is made to be growable and changeable so businesses can change and adapt their data management plans as their needs change.
  • Support and Training for Customers: Contentserv has training and support materials for customers to help businesses get started with the platform and fix any technical or operating problems they may have.

Price: Subscription Based

12. Perfion

Perfion - PIM Software

Businesses can organize and improve their product data management with Perfion, a powerful Product Information Management (PIM) tool. Through a wide range of features, it makes data processes more efficient, improves product experiences, and boosts sales across all channels.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Perfion provides a central tool for companies to keep, organize, and handle all product information in a single location. This eliminates data silos and ensures data continuity.
  • Dynamic Data Modeling: With dynamic data modeling, the platform lets you make custom data models and characteristics that fit the needs and wants of each business. This gives them freedom and growth as their business grows.
  • Automation of Workflows: Perfion can automate the processes of creating, enriching, and approving content. This makes sure that the right people are involved and that content is released correctly and on time.
  • Multiple Channel Publishing: Perfion lets companies share product details on many channels, like e-commerce websites, markets, social media sites, and printed brochures, making sure that all connections have the same, correct information.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Perfion works well with famous business software like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies make sure that all of their product data and processes are in sync.
  • Allows for Advanced Searching and Filtering: Perfion lets users easily find and access product information by allowing for advanced searching and filtering.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): The platform has powerful DAM features for handling digital assets like photos, movies, and papers, easily organizing, sharing, and reusing them.
  • Active Collaboration: Perfion lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time to create, improve, and localize content. This way, everyone involved in the product content process is included.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Perfion is made to be growable and changeable, so businesses can change and improve their data management methods as their needs differ.
  • Customer Support and Training: Perfion provides special assistance and training tools for customers to help businesses get started with the platform and solve any technical or operating issues they may face.

Price: Custom

13. EnterWorks

EnterWorks - PIM Software

EnterWorks is a top tool for the management of Product Information (PIM) and Master Data (MDM). It helps companies organize, control, and share digital assets and product data across all media. This software has many useful features that can make working with data easier, make using products better, and increase sales.


  • Centralized Product Information Management: EntWorks gives companies a single location to store, organize, and control all digital assets and product information. This gets rid of data silos and makes sure that all data is consistent.
  • Master Data Management (MDM): Manage all kinds of master data, like product, customer, partner, and location data. The platform has powerful MDM features that let businesses see all of their data in a single, uniform view.
  • Multi-Domain Data Management: EnterWorks supports managing data from multiple domains, so companies can use a single tool to handle product data as well as other types of master data.
  • Workflow Automation: EnterWorks can automate the processes of creating, enriching, and approving content. This makes sure that the right people are involved and that corrected content is released on time.
  • Publishing on Multiple Channels: The platform lets companies share product details and digital assets on many channels, like paper catalogs, social media sites, e-commerce websites, and markets, making sure that all connections have the same correct information.
  • Enterprise System Integration: EnterWorks works well with many popular business software programs, like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies keep all of their product data and processes in sync.
  • Comprehensive Search and Filtering Tools: EnterWorks has comprehensive search and filtering tools that make it simple for users to quickly and easily find and access product information.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): Manage digital assets like photos, movies, and papers with the platform’s powerful DAM features. These features make it easier to organize, share, and reuse digital assets.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: EnterWorks lets internal teams and outside partners work together online in real-time to create, improve, and localize content. This way, everyone involved in the product content process is included.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Solution That Can Grow and Follow Changes: EnterWorks is made to grow and follow changes in businesses’ needs.
  • Customer Support and Training: Helping Customers and Teaching Them: EnterWorks has training and help for customers to help businesses learn how to use the tool and fix any problems they may have with it.

Price Starting from $150000.00

14. Riversand

Riversand - PIM Software

Products Information Management (PIM) and Master Data Management (MDM) software Riversand helps businesses handle their product data more efficiently and centrally. The full set of features it provides makes data processing easier, improves product experiences, and boosts sales across all platforms.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Riversand gives companies a location to store, arrange, and control all digital assets and information about their products, removing data silos and making sure that all data is consistent.
  • Marketing Data Management (MDM): The platform has powerful MDM features for handling all kinds of master data, such as product, customer, partner, and location data, giving companies a single, unified view of their data.
  • Multi-Domain Data Management: Riversand offers multi-domain data management, which lets businesses handle product data along with other types of master data in a single, uniform platform.
  • Workflow Automation: Riversand can automate the processes of creating, enriching, and approving content. This makes sure that the right people are involved and that content is released correctly and in a timely manner.
  • Multichannel Publishing: The platform lets companies share product details and digital assets on many channels, like paper catalogs, social media sites, e-commerce websites, and markets, so all connections have the same accurate information.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Riversand works closely with popular business software like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms, making it easy for companies to share product information and work processes across their whole system.
  • Ability to Search and Filter: Riversand has advanced search and filtering features that make it easy for users to quickly and easily find product information.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): The platform has advanced DAM features for handling digital assets like photos, videos, and papers, making it easier to organize, share, and reuse assets.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Riversand lets internal teams and external partners collaborate instantly to create, improve, and localize content. This way, everyone involved in the product content process is included.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Riversand is created to be stretchable and adaptable so companies can change and improve their data handling methods as their needs change.
  • Customer Support and Training: Riversand has training and customer support tools to help businesses get started with the platform and solve any technical or practical problems they may face.

Pricing: Quote-Based Plans

15. Informatica PIM

Informatica PIM - PIM Software

Informatica Product Information Management (PIM) is the complete answer you need when you want to organize and handle product data across all channels. This helps companies make more exciting products, get their data more accurately, and get their products to market faster.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Information about all products is kept in one place by Informatica PIM, which makes sure that all of a company’s product data is correct and consistent across all channels.
  • Data Quality Management: To make sure that product data is correct, full, and up to industry standards, the platform has powerful data quality management tools, such as data cleaning, classification, and enriching.
  • Advanced Data Integration Manager: It has powerful data modeling features that let businesses make data models and characteristics that are unique to their needs.
  • Workflow Automation: Informatica PIM can automate the processes of creating, enriching, and approving content, which speeds up work and makes people more productive.
  • Multi-Channel Publishing: Publish on Multiple Channels: The platform lets companies share product details on many channels, like social media sites, paper catalogs, e-commerce websites, and markets. This makes sure that all interactions have the same correct product information.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Informatica PIM works well with many business software programs, like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies keep all of their product data and processes in sync.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): Manage digital assets like photos, movies, and papers with powerful DAM features in Informatica PIM. These features make it easier to organize, share, and reuse digital assets.
  • Real-Time Collaboration:The platform lets internal teams and external partners work together in real-time to create, improve, and localize content. This way, everyone involved in the product content process is included.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Informatica PIM is made to be growable and changeable so businesses can change and adapt their data management plans as their needs fluctuate.
  • Customer Support and Training: Customers can get help and training from Informatica to get started with the platform and solve any technical or operational problems they may face.

Price starts at $2000 per month

Also Read: Top Knowledge Management Software to Manage Data

16. Syndigo

Syndigo - PIM Software

Product Information Management (PIM) and distribution tool Syndigo is the best at putting all of your product info in one place, managing it, and sending it to different outlets. It comes with a full set of features that can be used to improve product experiences, speed up data processes, and boost sales.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Syndigo gives companies a single place to store, organize, and handle all digital assets and information about their products. This makes sure that all of the data is correct and consistent.
  • Multiple Channel Syndication: The platform lets businesses share product information on many channels, like social media sites, paper catalogs, e-commerce websites, and markets. This makes sure that all connections have the same, accurate product data.
  • Data Quality Management: Syndigo has powerful data quality control tools, such as data cleaning, standardizing, and enriching, to make sure that product data is correct, full, and up to industry standards.
  • Workflow Automation: Syndigo can automate the processes of creating, enriching, and approving material, which speeds up work and makes it more productive.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Syndigo works well with top enterprise systems like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies keep all of their product data and processes in sync.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): The platform has advanced DAM features for organizing digital assets like photos, movies, and papers, making it easier to organize, share, and reuse assets.
  • Collaboration in Real Time: Syndigo lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time to create, improve, and localize content. This makes sure that everyone is involved in the product content process.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The platform has built-in reporting and analytics tools for keeping an eye on sales trends, product performance, and other important measures. This lets businesses make choices based on data and improve their products.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Syndigo is made to be growable and changeable, so businesses can change and adapt their data management methods as their needs change.
  • Customer Support and Training: Syndigo has training and support materials for customers to help businesses get started with the platform and fix any technical or operating problems they may have.

Price: Subscription Based

17. Bluestone PIM

Bluestone PIM - PIM Software

Product Information Management (PIM) software Bluestone PIM is intended to provide centralized, enhanced, and widespread product data across all platforms. It has many functions that make organizing data easier, improving the user experience with products, and increasing sales.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Bluestone PIM gives companies a singular location to keep, arrange, and control all digital assets and product data, making sure that all of the data is correct and consistent.
  • Dynamic Data Modeling: The platform lets you make custom data models and traits that fit the needs of your business, giving you freedom and growth as your business grows.
  • Workflow Automation: Bluestone PIM manages the creation, improvement, and review of content by automating workflows. This makes sure that the right people are involved and that content is released correctly and on time.
  • Multiple Channel Publishing: The platform lets companies share product details on many channels, like e-commerce websites, markets, social media sites, and printed brochures. This makes sure that all interactions have the same correct product information.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Bluestone PIM works well with many popular business software programs, like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies automatically share product information and work processes across their whole system.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): The platform has advanced DAM features for handling digital assets like photos, videos, and papers, making it easier to organize, share, and reuse assets.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Bluestone PIM lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time to create, improve, and localize content. This way, everyone involved in the product content process is included.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Bluestone PIM is meant to be scalable and flexible, so businesses can change and grow their data management methods as their needs change.
  • Customer Support and Training: Bluestone PIM has training and customer support tools to help businesses get started with the platform and solve any technical or operating problems they may face.

Price starts at $2000 per month

18. Questudio

Questudio - PIM Software

Product Information Management (PIM) tools like Questudio are intended to organize, control, and improve product data across all platforms. It has a set of features that can make data processes easier, make product interactions better, and boost sales.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Questudio’s unified platform lets companies store, organize, and handle all digital assets and product information in one place, making sure that all data is correct and consistent.
  • Dynamic Data Modeling: With dynamic data modeling, the platform lets you make custom data models and characteristics that fit the needs and wants of each business. This gives them freedom and growth as their business grows.
  • Workflow Automation: Questudio can automate the processes of creating, enriching, and approving content. This makes sure that the right people are involved and that the content is released correctly and on time.
  • Multi-Channel Publishing: The tool lets businesses share product information on e-commerce sites, markets, social media sites, and print catalogs, making sure that all connections have the same, accurate product data.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Questudio works well with famous business software like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies share product information and work processes throughout their whole system.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): The platform has advanced DAM features for organizing digital assets like photos, movies, and papers, making it easier to organize, share, and reuse assets.
  • Collaboration in Real Time: Questudio lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time to create, improve, and localize content. This makes sure that everyone is involved in the product content process.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Questudio is made to be scalable and flexible, so businesses can change and grow their data management methods as their needs change.
  • Customer Support and Training: Questudio has training and support tools for customers to help businesses get started with the platform and fix any technical or operating problems they may have.

Price Starts at $19 per month

19. Catsy

Catsy - PIM Software

Catsy is a flexible product information management (PIM) system that helps you organize and handle your product information well. It has many functions that make working with data easier, make using products better, and boost sales through many platforms.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: Catsy gives companies a central place to store, organize, and handle all digital assets and information about their products. This makes sure that all of the data is correct and consistent.
  • Customizable Data Models: The platform lets businesses change the data models and characteristics to fit their specific needs. This gives them freedom and growth as their product list grows.
  • Workflow Automation: Catsy automates the content production, improvement, and review processes with workflow automation. This makes sure that everyone works together smoothly and that product information is published on time.
  • Multi-Channel Publishing: It’s easy for businesses to share product information on many channels, like e-commerce sites, markets, social media sites, and paper directories. This makes sure that all connections have the same, accurate product data.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: Catsy works well with major business software like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies share product information and work processes throughout their whole system.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: The tool lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time, so everyone can work quickly on localizing and adding to product data.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Catsy is scalable and flexible, so businesses can change and grow their data management plans as their needs change over time.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering: Catsy has advanced search and filtering tools that make it easy for users to quickly find and read information about products.
  • Data Quality Management: The platform has tools for data quality management, like data validation and enhancing tools, that make sure that product data is correct, full, and up to industry standards.

Price Starts at $599 per month

20. PIMworks

PIMworks - PIM Software

PIMworks is a complete Product Information Management (PIM) system made to help businesses handle their product info more efficiently and centrally. It has many features that make data processes easier, make product interactions better, and boost sales through many platforms.


  • Centralized Product Data Management: PIMworks gives companies a central location to store, organize, and control all digital assets and information about their products. This makes sure that all of the data is correct and consistent.
  • Dynamic Data Modeling: The platform supports dynamic data modeling, which lets companies make their own data models and characteristics that fit their specific needs.
  • Workflow Automation: PIMworks has features that automate the creation, improvement, and review of content. This makes sure that everyone works together smoothly and that product information is published on time.
  • Multi-Channel Publishing: Companies can easily share product details on many channels, like e-commerce websites, markets, social media sites, and printed brochures. This makes sure that all interactions have the same, correct product information.
  • Integration with Enterprise Systems: PIMworks works well with popular business systems like ERP, CRM, and e-commerce platforms. This lets companies keep all of their product data and processes in order.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: The tool lets internal teams and external partners work together in real time, so everyone can do a good job of localizing and adding to product data.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: PIMworks is easy to expand and change, so companies can change and improve their data management methods as their needs change over time.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering: PIMworks has powerful search and sorting tools that help users quickly and easily find and get to product information.
  • Data Quality Management: The platform has tools for managing data quality, like validation and enriching tools, which make sure that product data is correct, full, and up to industry standards.

Price starts at $699 per month

In conclusion, PIM software has changed a lot in 2024. Now, companies can choose from many different options to organize, improve, and share product data more effectively. From Akeneo to PIMworks, each platform has its own features and tools that make it easier to work with data, improve the user experience with products, and boost sales across multiple channels.

Investing in the right PIM solution is becoming more and more important as companies continue to focus on digital change and customer-centered strategies. Businesses can stay ahead of the curve, provide great product experiences, and achieve long-term growth in today’s competitive market by using these top 20 PIM software options.

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