The Dos & Don’ts of Ecommerce Website Design You Need to Know

The Dos & Donts of Ecommerce Website Design You Need to Know

In today’s digital age, having an effective ecommerce website design is crucial for any business that wants to succeed in online selling. A well-designed website can attract and retain customers, increase conversion rates, and ultimately drive revenue.

However, designing an e-commerce website that accomplishes these goals is not an easy task. There are numerous factors to consider, including layout, user experience, and branding. Here are some dos and don’ts of ecommerce website design to help you create a successful online store.

Do’s of Ecommerce Website Design:

Here’s what you should do:

1. Use a Clear and Consistent Ecommerce Website Design

A clear and consistent design is crucial because it helps to create a positive user experience. A clear design makes it easy for users to navigate the website and find what they are looking for, while consistency ensures that the website looks professional and trustworthy.

When a website has a consistent design, users can easily recognize and navigate familiar elements, making it easier for them to use the website. In addition, a clear and consistent design helps to create a cohesive brand identity which is essential for building brand recognition and loyalty, especially if you list on multiple platforms.

2. Make Navigation Easy

Making navigation easy helps users to find the information they need very fast. A clear and intuitive navigation system can enhance the user experience and encourage users to stay on the website longer.

To achieve easy navigation, consider designing a well-organized menu structure that is easy to understand and follow. The menu should be visible and accessible from every page of the website.

Make Navigation Easy

You can also use breadcrumbs to help users understand where they are on the website and how to navigate back to previous pages. Adding a search bar can also make it easier for users to find what they are looking for, especially for larger websites with a lot of content.

3. Optimize for Mobile

More and more people are using mobile devices to access the internet. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize an e-commerce website for mobile devices. A mobile-optimized website ensures that users have a positive experience regardless of their device.

A mobile-friendly website loads quickly, has a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes and has a layout that is easy to navigate on a smaller screen. To achieve mobile optimization, use a responsive design that automatically adjusts to the user’s device.

You can also optimize images and other media to ensure they load quickly on mobile devices. Use a straightforward layout that is easy to navigate, and ensure that all links and buttons are large enough to be clicked on a touchscreen.

Also See: How to and Why You Should Translate Your eCommerce Website

4. Test the Site

Errors such as broken links, missing images, or non-functioning forms can negatively impact the user experience and lead to frustration and disengagement. Checking the website for errors is crucial because it ensures that it functions properly and that users are not experiencing any issues.

To achieve error-free functionality, perform thorough testing on the website before launching it to the public. Test all links, forms, and other interactive elements to ensure they work correctly.

You can also use automated tools to scan for errors and broken links and perform user testing to identify any issues that you may have missed. It is also important to monitor the website regularly for errors and make necessary updates and fixes as needed.

5. Provide Easy Checkout

A complicated checkout process with multiple steps or confusing forms can cause frustration and cart abandonment. It is, therefore, crucial to provide an easy checkout process as it can greatly impact the user’s experience and influence whether they complete their purchase.

Provide Easy Checkout

To achieve an easy checkout process, provide a clear and concise checkout form that only asks for essential information such as name, email, and payment details. You can also provide multiple payment options to cater to different preferences and ensure that the checkout process is secure and reliable.

Further, consider implementing a guest checkout option so that users can complete their purchases without creating an account.

Don’ts of Ecommerce Website Design:

Here’s what you shouldn’t do:

1. Don’t Overwhelm Users with Information in Ecommerce Website Design

Too much information can overwhelm users and make it difficult to decide. Keep the product descriptions concise and provide only the necessary information.

Overwhelming users with too much information can lead to confusion, frustration and ultimately drive them away from your site. When there’s too much information to process, users may struggle to find what they’re looking for, lose interest, or even suffer from decision paralysis.

To avoid too much information, present information in a clear, concise, and organized way to facilitate the user’s comprehension and ease their navigation. You should also prioritize the most important information and get rid of outdated content. Further, break down content into manageable sections, use visual aids, and minimize distractions.

2. Don’t Use Too Many Pop-Ups

Pop-ups can be annoying and disruptive to the user, leading to a negative user experience. They can interrupt the user’s browsing experience, disrupt their flow, and even result in them leaving your site altogether.

Therefore, it’s crucial to use pop-ups sparingly and only when necessary, such as for important notifications or calls to action. You can achieve this by using a clear and concise message, limiting the frequency of pop-ups, and providing the user with an easy way to dismiss them.

Additionally, consider using alternative methods, such as slide-ins or notifications within the page’s content, to convey important information without disrupting the user’s experience.

3. Don’t Disregard SEO and Analytics

SEO helps to optimize the website for search engines and improve its visibility, while analytics provide valuable insights into user behavior and help to inform website design decisions. Therefore, it’s important to consider both SEO and analytics from the outset of the design process.

Dont Disregard SEO and Analytics

You can incorporate SEO by researching relevant and valuable keywords for your website, optimizing website content and meta tags for SEO, and installing analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track user behavior and measure website performance.

Additionally, remember to regularly review and analyze website data to identify areas for improvement and make informed design decisions. Optimizing SEO and analytics can improve the website’s visibility, attract more traffic, and provide a better user experience.

4. Don’t Use Small or Low-Quality Images

It’s important to avoid using small or low-quality images because they can negatively impact the user experience and reflect poorly on the website’s overall design. Low-quality images can appear pixelated, blurry, or distorted, making it difficult for users to understand the content or appreciate the website’s design.

Instead, use high-quality clear and visually appealing images for the user. You can achieve this by using professional photographs or graphics, optimizing images for web use, and ensuring that images are appropriately sized to fit the design layout.

Additionally, it’s important to compress images without compromising their quality to improve the website’s loading speed. By using high-quality images, you can enhance the user’s experience and improve the overall quality of the website’s design.

5. Don’t Ignore Security

Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and websites are vulnerable targets. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize website security from the outset of the design process. A security breach can result in the loss of sensitive data, financial loss, damage to the website’s reputation, and legal implications.

To make the site more secure, consider implementing secure coding practices, such as input validation and data sanitization, using SSL certificates to encrypt data, and implementing multi-factor authentication for user accounts.

Additionally, keep software and plugins updated and regularly conduct security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities. You should also have a data security policy and ensure that your staff and clients are familiar with it and understand their responsibilities in promoting security.


The design of an e-commerce website can significantly impact its success. By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this article, you can create a website that is visually appealing, easy to navigate and provides a positive user experience.

Remember to prioritize the customer experience, make your website mobile-friendly, and keep your branding consistent. Implementing these strategies in ecommerce website design can increase your chances of attracting and retaining customers, driving sales, and growing your business in the competitive world of e-commerce.

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