Mobile Advertising Strategies and Best Practices

Mobile Advertisement and Best Strategies

Mobile Advertising can be very well defined as a method of popularising your products on mobile devices like smartphones, tablets or PDA’S that are wireless. There are various sources of advertising like text ads, SMS or even the banner advertisements.

Now a days mobile phone has become not only a necessity of our lives but is in trend now. Every individual has a mobile phone. With such rapid increase in usage of phones, the investment on mobile advertisement is also increasing at a rapid pace. To sustain in the market and the existing competition and to make people aware of your existence it is essentially important to show your presence in the market and that can be best done by the mobile advertisement.

The potential reach of mobile advertising is unprecedented. But you must have the best strategy to stand out amidst hundreds of mobile advertisements users see daily.

Following the below stated mobile advertisement strategies is sure to make create your presence in the Digital World:

► Content Management

People now to gain certain information completely rely on the content they get on net. Write the content creatively as that can help engage your customer and bring them back to you.

Aside from writing compelling content that resonates with your target audience, it would help to make your content easily shareable on any platform on their mobile devices. More importantly, it would be best to use shorter headlines and ad formats suitable for smaller screens. And if you add a video, make sure it’s vertically formatted.

► Make a Mobile-Friendly Website

Develop a website which is mobile-friendly and easy to use. The speed of the website on the mobile should be effectively checked to ensure its easy usability. The mobile website should be responsive enough to hold the visitors and should not take much time to load the content needed. If some glitches are found in its working process it should be fixed accurately.With people’s attention span getting shorter, a slow-loading mobile ad will just be skipped by any viewer.

► Know more about your Target Audience

Identifying who your actual customers are is more important. This will help you determine their needs and demand. You can then study their actual behaviour of buying. Getting the required information about the audience you can target the right audience which can then bring traffic to your site. You can get the information from social media and web analytics reports, both readily available on the platform.

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► Use Video Streaming

Viewers don’t ready long content, in that case videos often attracts them. Right delivery of the information via the videos can prove to be beneficial for most of the users. Videos grab the attention of the viewers and hold them for long leading to high conversion rates.

Aside from video content being better at attracting viewers, live streaming videos also allows a brand to show its more authentic human side. Since consumers can hear or see you talk about your product or service, it creates a positive association with your brand, resulting in brand loyalty. And the good news is that streaming videos is now easier than ever, thanks to dedicated streaming servers that offer high-quality bandwidth and ultra-low latency, giving business owners a more stable streaming capability.

► Set your target market

It is important to assure that your mobile marketing and ads is reaching your target audience. This can be assured if you can analyse and look for the right keywords. This can then be implemented which will attract only the ones who fall under your target audience.

You may utilise the platform’s A/B Testing option to turn this to your advantage better. If the first option is not gaining traction, you may switch to another choice to use your marketing budget better.  

► Utilise micro-moments

After running your campaign you look for the feedback so that you can work on the improvisations. These resources can help in the optimisation of your campaigns and can also help you with enhancing the performance of your advertisements and campaigns. It also let you focus well on your business goals ending up with achieving all your targets.

► Message Extensions

Google has released one of the best features named as message extensions like any other ad extensions which help in increasing the popularity of your app by making it more interactive and attractive. This is usually seen in form of small message icons and has been proven to effective.