Different Types of Online Ads – A Detailed Guide for Beginners

Different Types of Online Ads – A Detailed Guide for Beginners

There are various types of online advertisements attempting to capture people’s attention on the Internet. While some are effective, others tend to irritate visitors.

Which type of advertising should you use to drive more traffic to your website or increase sales?
No idea?

Read this article; here, we have shared different types of online ads for you to drive more traffic to your website.

So, let’s get started…

Table of Contents

First, let’s understand what online ads are and why they are considered important for online marketing.

What exactly is Online Advertising?

Online advertising is a type of marketing activity in which businesses deliver promotional marketing messages to their consumers via the Internet. Given the immense benefits of online advertising, more and more businesses use online ads to promote their products and services to their target customers.

This is one of the most popular online marketing tools. It can be used to attract customers, increase online traffic, and improve sales. There are myriads of ways online ads are used, such as social media handles, search engines, and so on.

Significance of Online Advertising

Online advertising is one of the most important marketing tools. They play a crucial role when it comes to promoting your products and services online. You can find the right audience with the help of online advertising. Online ads are aimed at people who are more likely to be interested in what you’re offering.

Online advertising tools such as social media ads, banner ads, display ads, video ads, etc., make it easier for brands to reach their target audience.

So, if you’re planning to promote your startup or your offerings online, online ads are the way to go!

Top 15 Online Ads To Drive Traffic

1. PPC Ads

PPC ads, also known as pay-per-click advertising, are an online marketing framework in which advertisers pay based on how many clicks their ads receive. When users conduct a keyword-based search query on Google, these ads appear alongside the search engine result page.

The two most popular platforms using PPC ads include Google Ads and Bing Ads. In this type of advertising, advertisers pay for the clicks received by their advertisement. PPC ad is one of the best online advertising forms to achieve your business goals.

2. Google Search Ads

Google search ads are another popular form of online advertising used by advertisers. In this format, advertisers use search campaigns to distribute advertisements across Google’s vast network of search results. This allows you to target your audience actively looking for the products and services that you sell.

These ads are managed through the Google Ads advertising platform. Advertisers need to bid on keywords, create ad copy, and set budgets, among other things for Google search ads. As said earlier, these ads are PPC ads. This implies that you will have to pay for each ad click.

Also See: Google Ads: Complete Guide to Grow your Business

3. Native Advertising

This is yet another very common type of online advertising. These ads are specifically designed to gain users’ trust by offering solutions to their problems. These ads employ a strategy that avoids banner ads and sponsored content.

Blogging is one of the forms of Native advertising. Today more and more businesses create blog columns on their websites. In their blogs, companies talk about topics related to their industry and provide users with exciting and valuable content.

You can also use Native advertising to your advantage by providing relevant content based on where potential customers are in the sales funnel through SEO, email marketing, and lead nurturing.

The coolest thing about native ads is that they are not bothersome, making them more lucrative to both the wider populace and ad blockers.

4. Email Advertisements

Email advertising is one of the most common types of online marketing tools that use web mails. In this form of online ads, emails are sent to users who have email addresses. More often than not, businesses use these ads to notify subscribers about specific promotions, offers, deals, discounts, product launches, product features, and so on.

The only way to achieve your objectives in this form of advertising is through opt-in or permission-based marketing. Also, it is important to note that your email ad isn’t too lengthy or crammed, as recipients don’t have time to read long emails. If you really wish to target your audience, make your ads as creative and engaging as possible. Keep your message precise, use appealing images, and an interesting subject line to make users open your email.

Related: Email Marketing Strategy and Tips to Generate More Sales

5. Display Advertising

Display ads are very popular and one of the more visually appealing online advertising formats. These ads typically contain images or videos and are published in specific areas of a website, such as a blog. They can be bought directly or through platforms like Google Adwords. The cost of display ads is determined using CPC or CPM.

6. Bing Advertisements

Microsoft Ads (formerly known as Bing Ads) are also pay-per-click ads in which advertisers pay for each ad click. Advertisers need to use the Microsoft Ads platform to manage their Bing advertisements. You will need to set up a Microsoft Ads Account for Bing advertisements.

7. Google Display Ads

Google Display Ads are one of the contextual banner ads type that appear on Google’s Display Network. Google’s Display Network is a network of network sites that reach a vast majority of Internet users worldwide. These advertisements could be text messages, images, or videos.

These ads are used to increase web traffic and improve sales. You can see these advertisements in articles, videos, or on websites that customers visit.

RELATED: 6 Tips for Optimizing Local Services Ads for Lawyers

8. Facebook Ads

Besides being a wonderful platform for interacting and networking with people, Facebook is a great platform for advertising your business. You can place your ad on your Facebook and promote your business. Facebook ads are paid messages placed on Facebook by businesses.

You can place a free Facebook ad also; however, you cannot guarantee whether people will see it or not. With paid ads, you can easily target a specific demographic and be as precise or broad as you want. These advertising campaigns can be created in a variety of sizes and formats. You can be as creative as you want when creating Facebook ads. These ads allow you to write in your own unique style.

9. Twitter Advertisements

Just like Facebook, Twitter is also a wonderful platform to market or promote your business online. The best thing is that Twitter is a renowned platform; it has over 206 million users worldwide and are expected to grow in the future.

Similar to other types of online ads, you can use Twitter to increase your sales or market your products and services online. Twitter ads are paid ads that businesses use to increase the reach of their tweets, promote specific hashtags, or obtain more followers.

Banner ads are image-based advertisements that run on websites’ sides, tops, and bottoms. These are image-based ads with too little text on them. More often than not, these ads are incorporated into web pages. When it comes to web banners or banner ads, you have the privilege to decide their size, design, and features. These ads are further categorized into two categories, which are as follows:

  • Leaderboard Ads
  • Skyscraper Ads

Leaderboard ads are the ones that are horizontally placed on the websites. These ads are placed either at the top or bottom of the websites.

While, Skyscrapers, as the name says, are vertically placed banner advertisements that appear on a web page’s sidebars.

Banner ads are frequently seen on blogs, news websites, and so on. These ads are an excellent way to promote your business online.

11. Pop-up Ads

Pop-up ads are the ones that appear when a user opens or closes a web page. Because of being intrusive, these ads are less effective. Users find them annoying, especially when they appear while users open their web page. Often users tend to block them.

12. Video Ads

Video ads are another prevalent form of online advertisement. As the name says, businesses deliver marketing messages via video to their customers. Video ads are considered the most effective form of online advertisements as users find them engaging and interactive.

Moreover, video ads help people avoid boredom. That’s the reason many business owners use video ads to generate leads, improve traffic, and increase brand awareness. Video advertising can occur before, during, or after a video stream.

13. Mobile Ads

There are numerous types of mobile advertising that businesses use to generate leads. These are also a very effective form of online ads as everyone nowadays has a smartphone. And over 80% of mobile users use their phones to check out shopping options or get online information, making mobile ads a popular option for marketing products.

When it comes to mobile ad campaigns, they should be adaptive to mobile platforms, follow a responsive typology that allows pages to be formatted to any given screen size so that your users have no trouble seeing them.

Now is the time if you haven’t invested in mobile platforms. Not only will mobile ads help you increase reach and user interaction, but they will also help you improve your SEO by using Google’s Mobile-First algorithm in ads displayed on your own website.

14. YouTube Ads

YouTube advertising is one of Google’s display ad types. In YouTube ads, brands promote video content on YouTube (an online video-sharing platform).

The only way to advertise on YouTube is via Google Ads because Google own YouTube now. You can use YouTube ads in a variety of video ad formats or in conjunction with display campaigns. YouTube provides you with a variety of targeting options and ad formats. The different types of YouTube ads include,

Video ads that are placed on the top, bottom, or on the sidebars of websites are called Banner ads.

In-stream video ads:

Video ads that run before or during your YouTube video streaming are called in-stream video ads.

In-video overlay ads:

Small banner-like ads that appear at the bottom of a video screen are called in-video overlay ads. These ads are considered the best as they don’t interfere with the user’s view.

15. Retargeting and remarketing

Retargeting and remarketing are some of the robust conversion strategies used for online marketing. This is one of the best strategies to remind repeat customers or users interested in your company.

Remarketing places your banner on any website visited by people who have previously visited your site (provided that these sites offer remarketing spaces). By emphasizing a company’s presence during the consumer’s purchasing process, these ads are effective at increasing sales and brand awareness.

You can buy these ads through search engine advertising management tools such as Google Adwords. The pricing of these ads is determined using CPC.

Wrapping it up…

So, these are the 15 different types of online ads that are often used for promoting and marketing products and services via the Internet. You can utilize these ads to promote or market your product to your target audience, or generate leads online, or improve your bottom lines.

If you haven’t yet started utilizing online ads, this is the time to start now! There is no better time than today to utilize online ads to your advantage and accomplish your marketing objectives.

BONUS TIP: You have the option of spending your money on any type of online advertisement. It is, however, imperative to choose your channel wisely. As different channels work differently for different companies. Therefore, it is critical to consider the value that each advertising platform offers before finalizing the specific type of online ad for your business.

For example, search ad platforms, such as Google Adwords, are thought to be the most effective when it comes to targeting people who are interested in your products or services.

However, search advertising is less effective for a startup that has developed a relatively new product that is new to the market, or for products that customers prefer to purchase in physical stores rather than online. In such cases, social media advertisements, such as Facebook ads, come into play.

Because Facebook users fill out their profiles with demographic information and other interests, brands can use Facebook ads to target people who are likely to be interested in their product or service, regardless of whether they are searching for it.

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